Which JavaScript framework should you choose (a simple and highly opinionated guide!)

hellmak dot com
2 min readJul 31, 2022


I often say that by the time I have finished this sentence, two new JavaScript frameworks has been released — it is an exaggeration but it is not smoke without a fire.

What sets this article apart?

Likely you have already read an article like this, telling you the pro and cons of ten or twenty JavaScript (JS) frameworks, with no definite conclusion and likely leaving you (at least) as confused as when you started — therefore I will here narrow it down to the three frameworks that I personally feel are relevant today: React.js (React), Vue.js (Vue) and Svelte.

(Pictured above; logos for React, Svelte and Vue)

Then.. out of the three, which IS the best JS framework?

This is one of the few times in programming where a nearly objective answer can be given; the best* relevant JS framwork is Svelte, then Vue, then the worst, by far, React. However, this is (sadly) not the only thing you need to take into consideration when choosing which framework you should learn and master.

*In this article, best includes many factors, one of which is how easy and fun it is to use.

Okay, so what should I take into consideration?

The great irony here is that if you instead asked which are most commonly used the answer would be the reverse; React the giant supported by no other than Facebook, Vue which is a household name but not quite as common as React, and then in last place, the rarely ever used Svelte.

This does not seem right does it? But there’s a very logical explanation, React was not only released first out of the 3, but also has a massive cooperation behind it. Vue came the year after and became popular because, well, it’s good! Then two years later, and late to the party, came Svelte, which while an improvement, the gap in the “market” had already been filled.

In conclusion?

While React is the one with most job opportunities, you most likely won’t have a great time using it, and there’s plenty of jobs in Vue as well, not so much in Svelte. In other words:

React is for if you are dead set to work for Facebook, or a company that you know is using it.
Svelte is for when you are dead set on starting your own company, or only work on your own labour of love (that said, there will most likely be more job openings in the future!).
Vue is otherwise the solid bet for you!

Hope it helped, now go have fun coding! ;)



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